Monday, January 11, 2010

1995 Ski Doo Formula Sl 500

PART I hate boredom

hate boredom is also difficult to give you a precise connotation.
In recognition of a mood you can at least to define fully the cause, for love, pleasure, hate and the rest of the wide range of sensations available as reactive agents to life.
Boredom is different.
not react to life, but is the absence any other state of mind: the emotional sensitivity of antimatter, a black hole in the soul. With you when you do not feel happy nor sad, when you can not find a pastime, and time seems to pass without any particular reason.
E 'is a completely unnatural. Should not exist. The human being today is bored when he has something that occupies your brain with a few quirks, when the mind does not turn on automatic attention from one thought that keeps her committed to the joy that you should have appreciated the world in all its wonderful and natural splendor, is a "what do I do now?" continuous and missed.
We are unaccustomed to looking at things even more beautiful and to ensure those that surround us. Imagine for a moment on a beach at sunset, on the warm sand, and without doing anything else, we'd be bored there, or enjoying life?

When I have free time reading, playing, I can tell, writing, listening to music, but sometimes I do not want to do any of these activities and instinctively look out the window, as if looking for what I'm missing out in the world but not I find it and my brain can not be answered does not receive new ideas and lives unnatural consequence of the tedium.

We must pay attention to our instincts, especially those less strong where they act as subtle feelings of boredom, atavistic instinct is an evocation of our primordial nature if you do not satisfy hunger, thirst, sex drive, it will be obvious that I'm frustrated not satisfy my hunger for beauty will be affected equally, but why this happens? The answer is simple: what our characters look out there no longer exists, at least not in the quantity necessary and it is therefore logical to infer that when the need for beauty was satisfied that there was to be boredom and this should make us think as we presume to be so advanced.
If leaving the house I found a horizon that has its end only marrying heaven and earth are convinced that I would not call those moments of silence and blank gaze in a redundant thing I do in my head: boredom.
Boredom is a piece of our lives that goes without emotions and this is absolutely out of the logic of mother nature is as if the sunflowers were born in the cellar or even worse, choose to be born in the dark.
The world is beautiful: we hide our eyes.
I know that my talk is a confused and your understanding will be an uncertain and it is normal because we were born and raised s-nature and we feel that this is the only possible reality.
Flora and fauna in harmony with man and man in harmony with himself and with others and never for one second of his life alone, this is a world full of beauty, as it was in principle and how it should be now . Why
ever, we must wake up alone, because this extreme need for independence that leads to loneliness, because most of our lives we live without the hugs, kisses, laughter, cuddling, love, smiles, kindness, play, companionship and, overall, the masochistic reason the time of our life unique and quick that we should go drowning in a sea of \u200b\u200bemotions we use it to get a computer, a cell phone, a car, and last but not least: a house, terrible and tragic topic too long to be treated, I just want to say that we were able to remove the horizon that was first of all to sell the pieces on the housing market, what you can afford it buy a view of the sunset, the sea, the beach, the horizon so paying a premium compensating for such a small part of your beauty needs as an antidote to anti-boredom daily dose and what can not they arrange with their frustrations and placebo-posters of faraway places.

Our lives will continue in this way, no doubt, because we can not see different possibilities and we do not want to be aware of reality and prefer to stay in our world of muffled apology giving a value to our lives. It 's all very understandable, if I think about what I wrote, and I should count the hours of boredom quickly become many and is a bit heavy and big to swallow, but you must always keep alive the conscience and ask ourselves if we really want our children to continue the path we are on now, if not better to start to steer for the curve to go back does not do much to become increasingly broad straight ... Do we really think that both our sons are lawyers, judges, famous singers, that background, which will be better than us because they save us from our own mistakes so enrolling them in the competition to be miserable and never want to accept or at our children and save them from the competition which must necessarily things begin to lose someone with our choices to give them a world that already belong where they can live peaceful, happy, surrounded Beauty and the maximum in less than one word in their vocabulary: boredom.


Friday, January 8, 2010

What Size Trowel Should I Use On Six Inch Tile

Nobody becomes illuminated

Here is a brief excerpt from the book by Tony Parsons "The open secret - all that is " in a few days in library as well as online.

Tony dissects the myths on lighting and shows us how it is something quite ordinary and always accessible, Except in the spiritual mind.


Nobody becomes illuminated

I used to think that people really become enlightened and that event was like someone who won the first prize in the lottery. After winning the award, the beneficiary would be guaranteed permanent bliss, infallible and incorruptible goodness.

In my ignorance I thought that these people had obtained and possessed something that made them special and totally different from me.

This illusory idea was reinforced in me the belief that the lighting was virtually impossible to obtain except for a few persons elected or extraordinary. These misunderstandings arose from some images that kept about how he should be a state of perfection. I was not able to see that enlightenment has nothing to do with perfection. These beliefs were greatly enhanced when compared with the inadequacy of my imaginary picture entertain any "spiritual hero" to which at that moment I felt attracted.

I feel that most people see the light in a similar way. Certainly there were many people, and there still are trying to encourage such beliefs and that, in fact, claim to have lit.

Now I can see how this is a meaningless statement as that of a someone who proclaims to the world of being able to breathe. Essentially, the realization of enlightenment brings with it the sudden realization that there is nobody and nothing that lights up.
Enlightenment just is. Can not be possessed, she can be reached or won as if it were a trophy.

Everything and all things are One, and everything we do is put us through our half trying to get this one.
Those who claim enlightenment or take that position, just have not realized the paradoxical nature and presumed to have imagine a state that they have reached.

They probably had a profound personal experience of some kind, but that does not support absolutely no relation to the lighting. Consequently
remain trapped in their own individualistic concepts based on their particular belief system.

These people often need to undertake the role of "spiritual teacher" or "enlightened masters" and inevitably attract those who need to be students or disciples. Their teachings, still rooted in the dualism, promote a clear and unbridgeable split between the 'teacher' and those who follow the teaching. When Following the teacher grows, the exclusive role of the teacher needs to be enhanced.

One of the most classic symptoms, when this role was adopted, is to avoid any admission or a sign of "human weakness". Also usually creates a greater distance between the "master" and his followers.

As the specialness of the "teacher" becomes increasingly more effective, and requests by the followers become ever larger, the lessons invariably become more dark and twisted.

When the darkness of the teaching grows, the splitting becomes larger and many of the followers often become more confused and submissive. The typical effect on those who are caught can be of unquestioned adulation, disillusionment, or a wake and a going over.

However, such influences are well established and have maintained an illusory sense of doubt and inadequacy in the collective unconscious about the ability of people to realize and allow something that is natural, easy and available as breathing.

Those who fully understood and embraced the enlightenment have nothing to sell. When they share their achievement, they do not need to decorate or embellish what they share. Nor have any interest in being of mothers, fathers or teachers.

The exclusive power to the exclusion, while freedom is shared through friendship.

Tony Parsons ("The secret-open everything," Laris Publishing © 2009)

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Swot Of Dolce & Gabbana

Jesus, a rebel palistinese

past years there have appeared many books and publications that have questioned the historical truth of figure of Jesus as she has been handed down by the Church. The discovery of so-called "rolls of Qumran" in 1947 and 1956 in some caves on the northwestern shore of the Dead Sea are the only biblical texts known to date from before 100 AD, ie at a time contemporary with that of Jesus

The find, which happened so very fortunate gone from a Palestinian shepherd, has thrown no small stir among the academic authorities and the religious. The location of the findings was the seat of the monastic community of Essenes , which in addition to asceticism practiced copying of sacred texts that belonged to their ancestors Israelites. The monks of the Dead Sea in a few decades produced a large amount of text, then hidden in large jars to save them the Roman occupation 70 AD

Following the successful discovery, archaeologists from around the world began a campaign of excavations throughout the desert area, finding some 11 caves, ch and guarded by nearly two centuries, numerous vessels and thousands of manuscripts of the Jewish Holy Scriptures, be rolled up and stored n.

The Essene community would have some say was an important link with the figure of Jesus, the historical veracity of which seems to capture nuances king dive r if than usual. According to Giancarlo Rosati, author of "Jesus , rebellious Palestinian " Jesus sought to challenge the stability of Israel and in doing so "changed the history of the world to our already orni and could still change it if only or interpret his teaching in a different way. "

Following the track of the Gnostic gospels Rosati track a Jesus who was drawn into sharing his message to the teachings of ancient doctrines, giving the reader a chance to find a thread running
king with the Buddhist tradition, Hindu and pagan. Rosati's invitation is to give prominence to the possibility of a spiritual journey, combining the fundamental truths of the different religions to the detriment of dogmatic obscurantism that can cause division and conflict. According to Rosati

Jesus would be an enlightened master that, far from sharing the material reality of the spiritual would invite you to discover God in every thing by offering the opportunity to capture
ages unity in diversity of the event.



Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Brazilian Waxing Wilmington, Nc

The here and now Lino Rosi

Here and Now is a book written with the simplicity of those who do not want to intellectualize this time spoken of as much as possible to communicate with freshness and sincerity of love that the revelation hit him. We publish here an excerpt.


love the most dynamic creative force strong and safe. And 'that always guarantees a optimal performance, even perfect in every way the source who wishes to appear or you wish to create. Now why God wanted to create this universe has wanted to put things right before your eyes, or rather put into this infinite number of things that is a representation of God, is in its deepest sort of a mystery, not know the real reason that pushes the last creat hours to create but we know we know that for very pure and simple reason to indulge his nature, that is "Love" love inevitably leads to the creation. We can imagine that in a moment of its existence, in the nothing at all, God has felt the need to manifest itself from one to many, it may be that you are bored and have felt the need to break down into several parts, however, has decided to manifest itself through matter: what today is you.
(from "Here and Now" Lino Rosi @ publisher Laris 2009)

Monday, January 4, 2010

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The world as we know it is wrong.

Humanity as we know he is guilty.

We all are, we are all guilty. At the dock humanity with which I is the second principle of the law the omission of relief.

We have the means, we are conscious, we know, and then we do not have excuses as we all eat, and most of the food ends up in the trash, while we surround ourselves of unnecessary things there are children dying of hunger. Until

you are not aware of a situation you are innocent but since becoming aware of injustice in which discover, or find yourself in conditions in which your intervention may prevent its occurrence, you are morally obligated to intervene, and if you do you are guilty . In addition to Article omission of emergency there are many others that are based on the same principle by attempting to define, adjust and regulate the legal community in its boundaries.

Otherwise, if we take into account the global community and that even if unwritten laws are inherent in the human then we are all faced with death of these children and we are leaving that to happen before our eyes, we are aware and we're guilty. We get up out of bed every morning forking filtered glasses that make us see only what we want to see.

The world should stop and should start spinning until the last child has been made safe, nurtured, protected by bombs, violence, fear, work, from a world of adults to be comfortable sacrifices their innocence lost all dignity.

The World ... runs after all and we all have a full knowledge of what is happening and do nothing because we are not masters of our consciences, or at least this is the only defense would be useful to us in front of the goddess of justice.

We are dependent on a system under symbiotic, as if we all have a tumor in his head that does not kill us but we do not even allow the full power of our decisions, that requires us to live within even if they are unjust and dangerous and not we can remove it if you do not lose our lives.

The system must be defended and should remain as it is, the system is now perfect and strategies with self-defense came to life, is conscious! It just feels threatened, shifts the focus continuously on other things that he taught us to believe of vital importance and we accept these distractions because they give us an excuse, a false alibi, a thousand false problems to worry about so we can tell ourselves that it is the fault of the government, the right of the left, we had to work, pay the mortgage, shopping ... We know that we need an excuse and we know that the excuse does not hold up but as we all complicit in holding up the game at one another.

There is one great truth: there is a child who dies while you're reading this post and unfortunately there will be one, even when this post will be read again in a month or a year and I do not want to go further to not horrify you, like me, and six accomplices of his death and that of everyone else, and if you think your party is small then sit down to count them all since you say that you have aware that this happens and you'll see that your guilt is endless. It dies every three seconds!

When I do this speech I always find people who at one point says, "and the solutions? What are the alternatives? "Implying that speaking is as easy as useless and even that was not always so and that there is nothing you can do, then there are those lists and label me as a leftist idealist. I can say that the early start to be aware and try to keep this awareness without being distracted is a good start, that you should stop talking about a problem and even less shame or even feel tired and uncomfortable because we are talking about a problem, because when you talk about an injustice because he did not want to accept and why you want to do something against it, then start the road leading to the omission of emergency first aid.

We must ensure that we speak, we bring the problems to the attention of the people, we must ensure that the problem begins to weigh for what it really is, we must unite in this and we must ensure that when we find a person who feels no problem as you really feel uncomfortable. It is not impossible if you think that today you feel strange and uncomfortable when the law abroad, where smoking is not yet final and lights a cigarette in a local dynamics mental are the key to our redemption and the road to innocence.

the second I get to spend only insulting epithets but they are polite and always try the path of dialogue: the life of a child is a precious commodity is universal and beyond any political position.

Today we must do something because we can, because we know, why get rid of that cancer which I call the system will put an end to our life as we know it but we will return to life as we know it.
