Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Do You Bring Formula And Bottles To The Hospital

Reflecting the ethics of the ancient warriors, as far as possible to save the life of the enemy. This Old School Traditional enables him to act as quickly and efficiently as possible through codified forms. Arriving at the form "empty mind", becomes the ability of the lightning. The spontaneous answer is no conscious thinking, but consistent the situation, arising from the union of mind and body. Union: one, not separation, the body acts without overlapping of thoughts that lead to conflict. This compendium was born as a universal system of defense against sudden dangers. In Ryu developed many methodologies, including systems for basic study of the natural dynamics of the human body. Recounting the birth of the ancient secular TRADITION Katayama Ikkan / Hoki Ryu Hoshino It corresponds to the analysis of the path taken by two noble families descended from a long line of warriors. The founder of Katayama Hoki no Kami Fujiwara Hisayasu Hoshino and Kumamoto (Kyushu), which for centuries they have been the guardian and custodian. One of the most fascinating anecdotes was the fact that the woman who gave birth to the founder before his birth in a dream received by mother nature a flower of wisteria, and then called his son by that name (Tojiro), who would then developed the roots of a long warrior tradition. The founder, a descendant of Hisa Daigaku (Tachi) and Satoshi Saheita Hisam, it soon learned the way of the warrior spirit from Shohan (monaco warrior) who bequeathed to him the ancient and mysterious school called "Koden Juhatto Batto No" in the village of Sunshu.


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