Sunday, July 19, 2009

How To Jump Start A Positive Ground Car

This is a picture that I made long ago on the committee. I did it with Winsor & Newton watercolors capture an image from a photo (they just do portraits from photographs because the people live again I think it's really too complicated, and then are too slow to draw!). In addition, the photographs have the quality to stand still without speaking, and do not have any type of need, almost perfect. Another important detail is that bringing the drawings and watercolors, you can change little things that do not convince us, both in design that color. For the portraits, in which fidelity to the original is really important, before reporting the design on tracing paper, then enlarge it to the size you want for the watercolor paper with graphite and then carry the design on the card Schoeller. In short, I use the technique I mentioned in the post "watercolor technique - 3" .
Beginning watercolor portraits always eyed that makes the image alive, well, first one eye, then the root of the nose and then the other eye. At this point I prospered by filling out the nose, forehead and cheeks so on ... I always try to remind myself not to use only the flesh color to the skin, but also purple and yellow, blue or green! In the first watercolor of this post I was not so fanciful colors, while the second (which in fact I prefer) I have absolutely limited.
are very slow, but why? The reason is that prior to the next spot, I take the time to decide where and how to do it. This is for a single purpose, namely to be able to make images with as few interventions as possible. Less spots of color are more basic and clean and will be watercolor.
After the step face to the background in the first watercolor I took the photograph with only minor changes, such esmpio delete the trunk of a tree (I tried to change anything distracting to the picture).
Instead the second watercolor I preferred to leave with a solid color background, however, always to give as much prominence as possible to the picture (especially the eyes).
soon (spero. ..)


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