Thursday, May 13, 2010

Eva Longoria Foundation Shade

consumer awareness organization - the NEOSCIOPERO


am sick and tired of all you and also myself.

Dream full square and friends together, all against injustice, EL PUEBLO UNIDO dream that compact can change the world, this dream because I still beats in his chest a red heart and love for the fight against the injustices of those who hates the differences that make the world a wonderful place and power differences that make this world a disgusting.

Yet the message I give you is another.

're home!

is no longer our time.

is no longer the time of the squares of manifestations that fail and give everyone the same message:

It answered very well ...

Mind. I despise those who is sitting quietly at home and tells me he is not interested, do not inform you, why not give a damn Therefore: WHAT CHANGES? But when I feel this negative feeling I can not help but think that failure is all mine too and it is right that I and all we ask why, what we did wrong and what we're doing wrong.

We were too far back and too attached to the romanticism of the square and joined the student movements that were once blue-collar and scared and knew that they could impose themselves and now they just laugh.

there who cares, there are those who think to change things simply by voting for the newest little party Grillo, some people even think that this or that new policy that says those two or three things right will change Italy.

You are all deluded! Dogs on a leash who think walking the master, this is our present condition: the illusion. So maybe those who have stopped believing and not interested in politics and think that nothing will ever change has a point indeed, perhaps largely right.

I think times have changed and we still fight our battles down the streets, while seeing the poor results, do not change our strategy.
The propaganda of the square is counterproductive because instead of adding them to other students struggle with the message that subtracts in the days after an event has been shaped, and instilled Italian cable installed in the brains driving now carefully and surgically public opinion towards the confusion that leads to oblivion.

Grillo with his V-day, when I believed so, was the most striking example of what I mean. An investment like the one that had the V-Day was to get very different results.

We must understand that all the instruments of control and propaganda have been studied to the extent that they are no longer afraid and are automatically and fully conveyed at will power, the enemy par excellence of social justice.
Any event needs no more than five days to be absorbed, digested and Spit out by the media with a new message or totally contrary to that taken in place, it takes five days to ensure that people return to their existence as part of the large flat colorless mixture mass media.

The fight must be renewed.

Grillo has taught us that the Internet can do great things. E 'is the message that we had to collect, not to make a big number at the end that is easily editable. Purple people meeting in Rome was a flower bud by initiatives such as multimedia Grillo event but did not make it, because he could not do. But the way we are organized through the internet was revolutionary and it has shaken the government, see the reaction of the Minister Romani.

E 'the last time I'll call you mates from nostalgic for a time of events and achievements which by the way I have not lived but will use it again in the future because you have to innovate even in language.

The problems are not all you need to give a title from the outset that divides us on the shelf solutions.

initiatives must start from the Internet, a surprise effect, involving all, not divide us on issues but finally show some solutions.
E 'bloody useless to complain about Berlusconi then all our television channels we Mediaset, Mediolanum if we count if we are Milan fans and so on. Berlusconi is fine where it is and makes her work. A job that we are no longer able to do: PROPAGANDA.
For him, good or bad is important that we speak, just as any man thinks of the show, and what we should deserve best housekeeper in a world that today is all about the How and the Who.

in previous post I referred to consumer awareness as a tool of struggle and insist that organized the boycott is the only way to change things, the only way we have with convenience and simply choose from our homes or Our local supermarket to bring down those who do not do things right and I refer not only to all the premier.

I refer to the multinational leaving home workers, the unions that they will agree with the multinationals to leave home workers, the church in politics, corporations that exploit children (Nike, Adidas, Mattel, Chicco, Benetton, Reebok, Levis Chiquita), experimenting on children in poor countries their products by exploiting the hunger of the same (still Nestle and Danone) and in general all the economic power that consumers want to consume and soulless amoebae.

I'm sure we will soon see the first great example of strength that will be followed by a turn to the consciences of other choices Organized consumer awareness, (the "boycott" is another word to leave behind) because finally action must correspond to a response and real change that will silence those who continue to say that much does not change anything.

for now I can only say goodbye with one last, nostalgic ... HASTA LA VICTORIA




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