Wednesday, June 18, 2008

A Raisin In The Sun Symbol Thesis

Katayama: Historical research: KO RYU

examine three of the many contacts and connections with other ancient warrior schools that over the centuries the tradition has included in its prestigious Katayama curricoulum.
Takenouchi Ryu
The first event noteworthy since the creation of the school IKKAN (Shingan Ryu) is undoubtedly a sort of twinning took place between the teacher and Sensei Hisayasu Takenouchi.
In this important historical moment for tradition Katayama, the two schools IKKAN-Ryu and Takenouchi-ryu, working together for a fruitful study of advanced technical programs.
Probably the mysterious system of combat "Takenouchi Ryu" became part of the great cultural heritage Katayama, therefore Takenouchi Sensei gained inspiration from the system of armed combat 'Ikkan Ryu.
Both schools are also closely linked to the root given by an inner inspiration born right TEMPLE to ATAG.
According to some sources, the Tamiya Ryu is a school survived the centuries old traditions together with other warriors, and inspired by the studies of Hayashizaki.
It is an art military (Bugei) who was born in the Tensho period, its founder, Tamiya Heibei Narimasa, along with Hisayasu (the founder of 'Hoki Ryu) and SekiguchiJushin (the founder of Sekiguchi Ryu) was a student of Hayashizaki Jinsuk Shigenobu.
Tamiya spread his teaching, and Tsumaki Junjiro Motoaya inherited it.
Since then his teachings have been passed down orally to succeeding generations of the family of Tsumaki.
E 'beyond any doubt that the teacher Tamiya received a government post along with the master Katayama, so I assume that somehow the two schools found a meeting point and if nothing else, a technical and cultural exchange.
When Sensei Hisayasu decided to change the name of the school in honor of his hometown, he began his journey to the south of Japan.
Some of his stops were near Hiroshima, and after he made contact with the CLAN OUCH (probably in the western Chugoku region which was affected by the policy of Buzen) OGA SEIEMON became a teacher, warrior of the Asano clan. When
Hisayasu settled then to Iwakuni, met the great warrior Masakazu Yamamoto Hisaya, which immediately became a student of Sensei Hisayasu.
Yamamoto was already founded his own school warrior: the KEIN RYU, and came from the estate Yanagawa.
So it is assumed that at this moment in history the two schools (Keino Ryu and Hoki Ryu) have had a significant cultural exchange.


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