Friday, August 7, 2009

Ringworm Images On Dogs

Kriya Yoga Paramahamsa

The mystery of life and death
Since its beginning, mankind has always faced the problem of death and consequently carefully evaluated the mystery of life is that of death. We were born to run out of karma and reap what we sow. The law of karma keeps us tied to the wheel of life and death, but it can also free us from the cycle of rebirth and death. Karma keeps us imprisoned until
cling to the ephemeral world of the senses, but when we turn our attention to what is eternal, karma sets us free.
[...] Karma means action, both physical and mental. Every action leaves its imprint in the subconscious mind and has a positive or negative effect on a person's life. The impressions of the actions of past lives are stored in the super-consciousness and germinate in a suitable condition. For conditions suitable means the inner environment which, together with the external environment, govern the actions of a person. Karma is divided into three categories - Samca, prarabdha
and kriyamana. [...]

Different types of Yoga The word yoga comes from Sanskrit root yuj, which means "unite". The science of yoga teaches the method to fuse the individual will with the cosmic will, controlling the mind and its transformations, in order to achieve liberation. On the physical yoga gives health and physical fitness; port on the mental concentration, mental balance and peace on the spiritual level, to ensure the liberation from the chain of births and deaths, gives eternal joy, immortality, perfection and peace everlasting. The ultimate goal of yoga is not simply an individual achievement, but the transformation of the whole human race: yoga tends to instill life and divinity in physical, mental and spiritual of mankind. Yoga has several branches called Raja Yoga, Hatha Yoga, Mantra Yoga, Laya Yoga, Dhyana Yoga, and many others, but the Kriya Yoga is the essence of all forms of yoga. [...]

Kriya Yoga
The difference between the Kriya Yoga and other traditional practices is similar to the difference between the prescription of a qualified doctor and the care of an empirical praticone village. The austerity and meticulous methods of pain associated with many traditional forms of yoga, are totally absent. This spiritual practice taught by my teachers (Acharyas) and promulgated by Lahiri Mahasaya is best for people who lead a family life. The simple and easy control of breathing restores lost balance and prepares the way for the construction, but requires the guidance of a realized master. The pure oxygen that is introduced through this breathing method purifies the inner workings of the body, activates the limbs, stimulates the appetite, gives strength and freshness to the body, mind, memory, patience and subtlety. Simultaneously purifies the body, mind, intellect and
life, but does not require dietary restrictions. The regular practice of Kriya allows the body to experience the divine feeling, hearing the sound of om, feel the vibration and the light of divinity;
helps to elevate the mind to an awareness that transcends the mind. This is not to recite the mantra special efforts are made to either hold your breath. Yoga is a very simple, the high road in any religion, the quickest way to achieve success, with a mathematical precision of results. Kriya Yoga is easy, inexpensive and safe. The technique can be practiced without any restriction based on caste, creed, sex or age: even a seventy can draw great benefits, it allows to keep the brain healthy, sharp mind and intellect ready. Surely
Kriya Yoga brings a message of hope to those who are hopeless, joy to the sorrowful, to force those who are weak of understanding, peace, power and deliverance to those who dedicate themselves to spiritual life.
If these benefits and manifestations of divine powers are not achieved after practicing the technique, it is clear that this was not the authentic Kriya. [...]

Twenty-five elements of each human body
Every human body is composed of twenty-four elements of nature (Prakriti) and one cosmic element, which is the soul (purusha). The twenty-four elements of nature are: •
five organs of perception (jñanendriyas): eyes, ears, nose, tongue and skin;
• Five types of perceptions that come from mobile of the five senses: sound, sight, smell, taste and texture;
• five organs of action (karmendriyas): speech (Vak), hand (bread), leg (pada), rectum (Payu) and genitals (upastha)
• five subtle elements (tattva ): earth (Prithivi), water (PASA), fire (agni), air (vayu) or empty ether (akasha);
• inner four instruments: mind (manas), intellect (buddhi), ego (Ahamkara) and consciousness (chitta), with which we perceive natural phenomena.
The aggregate of these twenty-four gross elements is called prakriti. [...]

Arie vital chakra

For every thought changes the vital air (prana), the pace and quality of inspiration. In the body there are fifty types of vital airs, but the Yoga Shastra are classed into five main categories: apana, samana, vyana, prana and udana. In the centers of the coccyx and sacrum is apana, samana in the center back, center back vyana; udana prana in the center neck and neck above the center.
Air we inhale is called prana, but when it enters the lungs is called vyana. During the sexual act and the heartbeat speeds up this type of breathing is vyana. After eating, we have a special breathing, specific stage of digestion, called samana that helps us to assimilate and digest food. Sometimes we feel the air moving and this is called samana. Following the air enters the colon and is expelled from the anus: this air is called apana or Anila. During meditation, when we reached the stage of Paravastha, inhalation and exhalation become very feeble, and this type of breathing helps us to see the three divine qualities throughout the body is the breath that gives peace, divinity and temperance. Enter the skull and the pituitary is called udana. Prana is the king of all the tunes, because without inhaling the body can not live. Prana is divided into five major air and then again in fifty categories. [...]

What you can give Kriya Yoga
Everyone has some type of control on breathing and lungs, but no control over the heart. By controlling the lungs, through the technique of Kriya Yoga, without pressing his nose, he gradually comes to control tissues, molecules, atoms and muscles. The heartbeat and breathing become increasingly weak and slow: in this so you can collect all the thoughts and anxiety from the mind and brain and can also calm the mind. For example, when a dog runs long, the muscles, tissues and molecules of her body is tired, when it finally stops, his mind goes back to being cool, the dog collapses and falls asleep immediately. Similarly,
thanks to the technique of Kriya Yoga we can leave the brain and the mind-stuff and work perfectly in this state of total concentration. [...]

To read an interview with the author click here



CONTENTS Foreword Author's Biography

I. Introduction Self-realization
God and God's dream self

Immortality of the Self
The story of two birds
The mystery of life and death
The purpose of life
The role of spiritual teacher
The quality of spiritual master
The spiritual heritage of India

II. The acceleration of human evolution
The evolution that is emerging
method to accelerate the evolution
The process of expansion awareness

III. The science of Kriya Yoga in ancient

Different types of yoga Kriya Yoga

concentration and sublimation of vital force

IV. The theory of Kriya Yoga

Twenty-five elements of each human body
Arie vital chakra
The breathing changes depending on the situation
How to turn off the mind
What you can give Kriya Yoga
Five types of vital airs
When the mind subsides, you experience three events
The true meaning of the fire ceremony

V. Kriya Yoga in the ancient writings

The Vedas The Upanishads The Bhagavad
The Gita
The Ramayana
The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali
Other yogic scriptures

VI. The history and tradition of Kriya Yoga

VII. The metaphysics of Kriya Yoga

VIII. Benefits of Kriya Yoga

Health is wealth
Mind Control
Intellectual development
Personality Development Spiritual Growth

IX. Antasthavarna

X. Hamsa

XI. Om

XII. Together with the two great masters

Appendix: Transcription
of lectures and speeches broadcast
"Knowing what you can achieve," broadcast in Washington, DC, July 1975
Conference at the Kosmos Club, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Conference at the Washington Ethical Society, Washington DC "The Kriya Yoga Union is the basis of all religions. "
Conference at the Rotary Club Curacao, Curacao, Netherlands Antilles

Q & A:
meetings with devotees

Glossary Useful addresses

List of Illustrations 1. The seven spiritual centers in the human body
2. An example of the effects of meditation
3. A cycle of Kriya full calendar year of spiritual evolution
4. A cycle of Kriya includes different phases of each lunar month
5. Location of the seed syllables in the human body
6. Location of the seed syllables
7. The five empty skull
8. The five vital airs in each subtle body
9. The seven sacred fires in the human
10. Antasthavarna (1)
11. Antasthavarna (2)
12. Human Physiology
13. Each human body is a Bhagavad Gita
14. The fire of God pervading
15. The microcosm of the body, centers, and links with the AUM
16. The human brain - the Kingdom of God

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