Thursday, October 1, 2009

Birthday Money Tree Verse

New Necklace Advaita Vedanta

The series aims to gather the most important voices in the world of Advaita suggesting contemporary Western authors in particular next to the items most reliable East.

The choice of authors is based on the intention to provide easy access to texts of Western culture, where communication of the message of non-duality is through the language of today and not by that of the classical Indian tradition. The fact

contemporary spirituality that speaks more English and Sanskrit, although many the authors have drawn on the eastern approach to the wisdom of their share is fully in line with the modern reality of Western life. Advaita approach is strictly non-religious and non-philosophy that has captured the attention of onlookers not always related to the traditional spiritual reality. Advaita does not offer techniques or methods, but shows how the Truth, the Divine, the self is already and always our true nature and how to overcome the illusion of ego does not go through any process of transformation or purification, but only recognized directly as unreal and nonexistent.

So not only longtime meditators and researchers found themselves confronted with these masters, but also people who might otherwise have never seen a vision of life and themselves an alternative to the usual. E 'to this particular target group to which the series intends to address.

Shakti Caterina Maggi

dir. Advaita Vedanta necklace


Article Related Links

- "The Open Secret" , of Tony Parsons
- "Peace and harmony in everyday life" , S. Ramesh Balsekar
- "No more confusion" , S. Ramesh Balsekar
- "A 'who' cares? Unique teachings of Ramesh S. Balsekar" , S. Ramesh Balsekar


Videos related to the article

Satsang with AVAS

Meeting with Tony Parsons



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