Saturday, October 3, 2009

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What is the ego

Perhaps the word ego is one of the most used and abused words in the spiritual. Often used without really dwell on what it really means.

In this excerpt from the book "No more confusion" Ramesh Balsekar-the great Indian sage who died recently in Mumbai, describes precisely what the ego, which is a concept with which consciousness itself identifies.

The ego is therefore not an entity that has to die, but only activity in the conscience, idea. In reality, what we are is what is observed and therefore this concept is already totally free from it.


L 'Infamous EGO

There is nothing but Consciousness. To its original state, Consciousness - Reality or God, the Absolute, the Void, as you call it - is not aware. Consciousness at rest is not aware of itself. Become aware of its existence only when it rises suddenly thought "I am". This "I Am" is the impersonal sense of being aware, it is the moment when consciousness becomes conscience at rest in motion, ie when the potential energy becomes manifest. But it's not two separate things. The manifest does not emanate from the potential energy. There is only Consciousness. And consciousness itself to create the illusion of the world-appearance and ego, to perceive the illusion of diversity in what is, in truth, it is pure Oneness. It seems difficult to understand how the universe could exist in infinite Consciousness since that should transcend it. In truth there is nothing outside of consciousness, because consciousness or God can not be anything but immanent in all things that seem to exist. However, there can be no relationship between consciousness and phenomenal event, given that a relationship exists only between two different entities. In this sense, consciousness transcends the manifest universe. The universe exists in Consciousness in power as there are waves that rise from the waters of a calm sea.
manifest everything in the universe is the product of consciousness, and when you live in the illusion where the event appears to be "real", and after the realization of Truth. We are not, and have never been, but a product of consciousness. It would perhaps be easier to "understand" the truth if we could conceive that there never was a "we" and that everything that exists, and has always existed, it is only Consciousness or God, more or less consciously, we believe to be sentient beings, and then separated from the event, "we" are the subject and the rest of the show is the 'object'.
In fact, this "we", manifest as a phenomenon, is an integral part of the manifested universe. We believe to be separate entities because we become aware of the universe through the apparent quality of the judgments of our cognitive faculties. This "assessment" is an aspect of consciousness itself, which is why we can not free ourselves from the concept manifested by the appearance of being separated. As soon as we realize that we are not separate entities, but Consciousness itself with quality of feedback that serves as means for the event, the illusion of separation (which is the cause of suffering and limitation) vanishes. At this point there is the intuitive understanding that since we are not posters, we are the noumenon, and as we manifest appearance (not separated any more than it is the substance of the form of gold jewelry). The event stems from Non-Manifesto and, in due course, will build it again. As individuals, human beings are irrelevant, illusory figures on a stage of the dream we call "life."


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