Monday, October 5, 2009

How To Decorate An Auction Basket

AVAS, the ordinariness of a Buddha

"It is one uninterrupted consciousness."

In a simple, ordinary and direct Bodhi AVAS shares a message that it is the same as any other teacher, or what you are is Consciousness, that lives through all forms.

averse to any kind of spiritual hierarchy typical of the traditional master-disciple relationship, AVAS disassemble any kind of label you put your mind on the word light, making this event so extraordinary is available and accessible for anyone who is sincerely interested in doing. This master of Wales, but of Indian origin, shows that the lighting is going on in mass as the only possible answer to the suffering and sense of separation. A short

AVAS will be present in Italy with a series of meetings in Milan, Turin and Bergamo and a retreat later this month on Lake Garda.

Here is a brief excerpt of an interview that AVAS has released to coincide with the release of the series of Laris Advaita Vedanta, which will soon author.

Question - "What is Truth? Many people seem to have achieved the" truth ", but often they say something very different ... there is a truth?

AVAS - What Truth never changes is all that exists is in a state of constant change, nothing is ever the same twice, but this is where everything changes, in itself, immutable. What is Truth is immutable. The human experience is capable to know the existence of the change because the One, who experiences life through and in the human form, is if unchanged, is the Lord himself.

You can not reach you the truth and this truth, what is unchangeable, the Eternal. Truth, therefore, not the other way, ready to be reached. You do not need a change in time to see what one is always already what you was looking for.

she who is experiencing this creation called life, that its action is occurring, it is always the same. This one is immutable and therefore it is the Truth.

Question - My mind speaks constantly judging everything that case, comparing and so on. I tried various types of practices and meditations to stop the mind, but beyond the short moments of silence I could not silence her. What can I do? Lighting the mind is always silent?

AVAS - Want a quiet mind comes from the mind, memory, arises from the intuition that silence is what is more natural.

We know intuitively that this silence is due to our childhood memory of a time where we saw the world through silent eyes without judgments, without a feeling of being separated from what was seen. Sometimes there was me and What a sight, just the one.

This memory, which triggers the desire to be silent, be silent himself, comes from the fact that intuitively we know that silence is where the mind, in our early years, he retired, after having done the work that was required at the time. The silence is what we intuitively know to be.

The mind is an instrument of our true nature, but because of the condition has been led to believe to be the master. When the mind recognizes again that which precedes it, then it happily obedient. It therefore appears only when the prevailing circumstances require it to become active and then, again, returns idle silence that is the source.

All meditations taught and then learned, are mind are based on memory, with the intention on the part of the mind to be in control of the activity that silence is the mind. E 'for this reason they require effort, which then takes the deliberate activation of the mind. Meditation intentional, that is the desire to stop the activities of the mind, comes from the mind, comes from the non-acceptance of what it is. Too

focus on the mind, as if it were a problem, leads to being in trouble with that activity which is known as mind. The mind goes to

rest when it is recognized that this is prior to the action of what we call mind.

Question-What 's acceptance?

AVAS-acceptance and surrender, a surrender of the mind that seeks to develop a way to get to not mind.

This certainly can not be done by the mind itself, if it is the mind that seeks to surrender the mind, this again will be an action of the mind. When acceptance happens is the mind has seen its limits and recognizes this as a fact. The limit is different for each of us. Sometimes the yield happens suddenly, perhaps intuition is most predominant other times a bit happening 'at a time in a longer period, but when it happens just happens, it is not something one can do and no one can plan prepared earlier.

If you are a someone who gives up, then there is the desire to have a result, which clearly is a bargain not to surrender. When there is surrender, there is no one who makes it is an action of conscience. "



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- Advaita Necklace


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