Thursday, October 22, 2009

Goldfish Big Bump On Head

Conference sull'Advaita and contemporary spirituality

In recent years, the Advaita Vedanta (nonduality) collected 's interest of researchers not only standing, but also people new to the world
of spirituality and meditation.
This was possible thanks to
partners who could respond to the questions and issues typical of our era, as the need to find balance and peace in daily life
often chaotic and stressful.
is the theme of a conference organized by ' Light Association and publisher Laris to be held November 2 to 21 at the Auditorium in San Sisto Via Carlo Alberto Bergamo (Colognola district).

These items are of modern masters like Ramesh Balsekar , Tony Parsons and others who
although in line with the tradition of Advaita Vedanta,
speak a Western language and approach are related with a non-religious and not philosophical
fundamental questions about life and ourselves.

No gradual process, no state to be achieved, no purification required. The truth that every spiritual seeker search, the answer to the question "Who am I?" In fact this is already 100% but is ignored by becoming identified with the body-mind with the ego. The fact that teachers of Advaita indicate that awareness is what we are observing this question. The answer to this eternal question is I 'that just shows every so a, an "I" which is pure consciousness, devoid of any attribute or quality and therefore able to detect any occurrence of any possible quality, both ostensibly inner and outer. In recognition of this identity of ours, this original nature of our Being, the false identity dissolves. What is the ego dissolves, or the concept of being a separate body-mind, a researcher spiritual, or more generally an individual. In other words the answer to the question "Who am I?" door at the end not only of research but the researcher himself.

Enlightenment or awakening is therefore this realization, namely that there is a researcher, but only as an action research happens in the void of Being. Thus ends the search, not because it receives a conclusion, but because they recognize that it is located, continues and ends in that 'I' eternal truth that is sought.

The conference will also attend Bodhi AVAS , awakened teacher who shares the recognition of the self for over 40 years with seminars and meetings held in Europe, the United States and Canada. It will be possible for participants to ask questions directly to the vision of Advaita AVAS.

For information and reservations tel. 035-230494 or mail



- "No more confusion" Ramesh Balsekar
- " Who cares? " Ramesh Balsekar
- "The Open Secret" by Tony Parsons
- Site AVAS


Other related articles

- AVAS, the ordinariness of a Buddha
- died Ramesh Balsekar
- New Necklace Advaita


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