Friday, October 2, 2009

Do You Wash Pecans After Shelling?

L 'I, who died there

"Who am I?" Here's the question that Ramana Maharshi-one of Popular Indian guru of the last century, suggested to arise.

A question that was not intended to have an objective response, but to show how In researching this I what we discover is that it is not something tangible, but the observer of the application blank.

"I" is so pure Consciousness.

Here's an excerpt from the book "Who cares" where Ramesh speaks of the ego and the invitation of Ramana.


The self-analysis - Who am I?

RAMESH - Many people ask me if Ramana Maharshi had the basics. Of course I had, for example the question:
"Who am I?". As Ramana Maharshi spoke in Tamil, is not even right translate his question with "Who am I?" but "Who is this me?" or (this is my interpretation) "There is this I?".

When we come to the conclusion that no action is really 'our', the intellect is no longer of this question, but rather arises spontaneously from the depths of being. If we do not do or to act, who is this 'I'? Is there really? Who is this 'I' that occupies so much space in our lives? Ramana Maharshi often posed this question. If the intellect is to ask the question, will also respond, then it will create doubts and give other responses that will create further doubts, and so on. It is a situation similar to that of a dog chasing its tail.

When, through personal experience, it is concluded that no action is really 'our', the intellect ceases to ask questions and the response arises from the depths of our being, namely the Source or God's Will God that demand arises and that is God's will if you are listening and reflecting on these concepts. It is still God's will if you try to practice the analysis of your actions.

We therefore hope that, by the will of God, the response arises: "There has never been an 'I' as the author of the individual. " If you never been the author of your actions, nor the others have never been the authors of their actions.

If you still have doubts, given the fundamental principle in mind: nothing happens that is not God's will and all doubts will dissolve.


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