Thursday, October 1, 2009

Simple Human Soap Dispenser Instructions

Ramesh Balsekar

E 'died a few days makes his home in Mumbai Balsekar Ramesh, one of the greatest Indian sages of this century, as few in the West helped lead the thought of Advaita.
His humility, grace and clarity remain in the hearts of those who knew him and leave a priceless legacy for all humanity.

shortly come out with Laris
his book "Peace and harmony in daily life."
remember him, meanwhile, with this interview.

Madhukar ─ I've already said that Osho claimed to be able to use their minds at will, as a tool, because after lighting it had become the master. In your book 'The Conscience speaks,' I read the thoughts that come from outside. The emergence of thoughts is an impersonal event?

Ramesh ─ Yes, that can not be impersonal. No one can stop the occurrence of a thought, because thoughts are not born by the mind-body, but from the outside, from Consciousness. The brain reacts to a mindset based on their genetic and cultural programming. It is the ego that customize and create 'my' thought, 'my' idea or 'my' action. A thought is an impersonal external stimulus, which was followed by a reaction of brain cells. In this case, 'who' may be the master of the mind?

Madhukar ─ Yesterday we talked about the researcher. Now you can talk about the research?

Ramesh ─ All research takes place following a very impersonal process, which starts at the moment the baby will find intuitively the mother's breast. Life is nothing but a continuous research, whatever the object of research.

Madhukar ─ And the spiritual quest?

Ramesh ─ The spiritual quest begins with an 'I' who thinks of trying something and ends with the annihilation of the researcher. It is a process that starts and ends with the identification of 'illusion and, for a particular body-mind organism, can reach the summit through the complete dissolution of the ego. The search begins, proceeds, and ends, according to the Will the Source. It is very important to understand that the ego does not destroy itself, but is cleared by Consciousness.

Madhukar ─ During meditation, I often happen to be in conflict with my ego. At first, the emergence of unwanted thoughts makes me restless, then I am judging myself because I condemn and fight these thoughts, instead of accepting them as they are.

Ramesh ─ The ego is nourished by its own dynamic opposition against him. Subtracting nourishment to the ego, it becomes weak, and their understanding grows. For this reason, I recommend accepting the ego, and not to fight it. Many people have difficulty accepting one's own ego, because most books and teachers say that the ego is the main problem that you have to destroy it. My concept, but it's not to fight but to accept it. Why? Why do not you created. The Source has created the ego, and the source itself is about to destroy it.

Madhukar ─ mbra If that is the first step when beginning to become researchers - and the search begins. In my case, and 'was the experience of satori with Osh o.

Yes Ramesh ─ The process of search starts with an individual who believes that we can achieve enlightenment through their own efforts and various spiritual practices.

Madhukar ─ At this point, not only the researcher wishes to enlightenment, but it almost feels is his right: "Will I get the lighting, because I am working with perseverance." I myself have believed it possible to force the lighting. [Laughing]

Ramesh ─ effort and spiritual discipline can go on for years until the research process - the disentificazione-reaches the stage where the researcher realized that the lighting can be done but not done. In practice it comes to intellectual understanding that there is nothing but consciousness, and there is no individual author of the shares. But if this understanding is through a full insight into the heart, only depend on the will of God

Madhukar ─ mean that at some point, the researcher realizes it can not affect in any way the outcome of their research ?

Ramesh ─ Of course! Successful research depends only on the will of God, and the fate of the organism body-mind. 'No' becomes illuminated, and the lighting takes place in a body-mind organism, thanks to the understanding that there is only sensed in the heart Consciousness.

Madhukar ─ Then the researcher should know when approaching the finish line? There are signs and symptoms by which we can understand that we are reaching the end of our journey?

─ Ramesh is a good question. There is a penultimate stage, which precedes the final realization. If you ask me what are the signs of being near or on the threshold of enlightenment, I would say that that is the stage where, with detachment from any outcome, one wonders: "Lighting? Does it matter? It does not matter. " At this point, the lighting can occur at any time.

Madhukar ─ How do you know that we are coming to this stadium, which came shortly before enlightenment?

Ramesh ─ You'll know you are on the right if, in the life of every day, you'll discover more tolerant of others' actions. In fact, if there are no actions 'your', how can you condemn the actions of others? In this way, life becomes simpler, because now devoid of pride, of the proceedings, hatred and envy. Reached this stage, know that your understanding of teaching has gone deeper.


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